Need an Hour of Private Coaching?Ā 

Are you a current or past student of our Foundations Course seeking personalized guidance on applying what youā€™ve learned? Are you experiencing a career transition and need an expert to consult with, or assistance in resolving other professional challenges?

Join Matt Trent, co-founder and lead coach at GBU, for a one-hour private coaching session tailored to your specific career needs and goals.

Whether you want to focus on interview preparation, career transitions, or any other topic of your choice, this session will provide personalized guidance and support.

Book Your Session Today!

What Our Clients Say...

Kimberly Hawkins

Without hesitation, I highly recommend Matt and Kim Trent as prized resources for anyone seeking to enhance their skills and unlock their full potential. Thank you, Matt and Kim, for your unwavering support and dedication to our growth journey!

Amanda Panell

From the moment I was introduced to GreebBox U, I was impressed by the comprehensive approach Matt Trent and Kim Trent take to personal and professional development. They don't just focus on technical skills; they cultivate well-rounded professionals by addressing both professional development and Personal Intellectual Capital (PIC). I recommend GreenBoxU to anyone looking to unlock their full potential in the professional world.


AprilĀ Stevens

I continue to use the information and skills Matt helped provide. Matt is easy to talkĀ with, genuinely cared about me and provided the skills and encouragement I needed during a very tough and uncomfortable time in my life.


What You Will Get...

Personalized Strategies for Success

During your session, Matt will discuss strategies to leverage the insights from your DISC profile. He will help you develop personalized approaches to reach new levels of success, using the detailed information from your report to enhance your professional growth and effectiveness.


Comprehensive DISC Assessment

Receive a personalized 40-page DISC assessment report that provides detailed insights into your personality traits. Complete the online DISC assessment prior to your scheduled coaching session, and have your results emailed directly to you for review.

90-Minute Private Coaching Session

Engage in a 90-minute private coaching session with certified DISC practitioner and lead coach, Matt Trent. This session includes a comprehensive review of your DISC assessment report, where Matt will provide individualized instruction and answer any questions you have about your results.

Let's Get Started